Daiwa Tanacom 1000 Power Assist Electric Reel

Daiwa Tanacom 1000 Power Assist Electric Reel

USD 400.00
Product Code: WSE0575646
Availability: In Stock
Viewed 655 times

Product Description

Daiwa Tanacom 1000 Power Assist Electric Reel

The Daiwa® Tanacom 1000 Power Assist reel joins the Tanacom family of deep drop and kite fishing reels with features to make power assist fishing easier than ever.

    Kite fishing: The Tanacom 1000 offers the power to quickly bring in kites in heavy winds. To use the automatic wind-in stop, just let out the kite to where you want it to park upon retrieve and hit the reset button. Now when you want to bring in the kite, just hit the Power Lever—the kite will automatically stop at your park setting while you concentrate on the fish.

    Deep drop fishing: From grouper to halibut, snapper to tilefish, it helps you overpower deep-dwelling giants. The versatile Tanacom1000 makes deep drop fishing easier for anyone. Fight 'em on the handle and let the power assist do the drudgery of retrieving heavy sinkers from the depths when it's time to check your bait. Just connect the battery and lower your lure to the water's surface. Then press the reset button to zero the display, and you're ready to start fishing, with the reel automatically measuring line let out. Then advance the Power Lever to rewind, the reel will automatically stop as your lure reaches the surface. It's that simple!

    LCD display reads out in English for easier programming

    Oversize line guide aperture to clear knots and swivels

    Automatic stop and jigging features

    Variable-speed Power Lever control

    Line counter and depth memory

    Sealed electronics package

    Manual winding option

    Washable design

    12 Volt system (12-16.8 V)

    Sealed drag system

    Includes power cable

      Specification :

      • Ball Bearings         :      4
      • Max Drag          : 48 Lbs.
      • Reel Weight (oz)         : 53
      • Line Capacity          : 30/700
      • Braid Capacity          : 100/660
      • Recovery                  : 16.5" Per Turn
      • Retrieve                   : Right
      • Gear Ratio : 2.3:1   

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